Morocco is among the 9 countries that participated in the Alliance’s activities under the project ” Sustainable management of wetlands in the Mediterranean” financed by the FFEM in 2021.
Here are the micro-projects carried out in Morocco in the framework of this project :
GREPOM’s micro-project on the Oualidia Ecological Information Centre was completed with the renewal and updating of the permanent exhibition and the development of a new programme of activities and educational tools. In particular, the following were produced :
– Young naturalist’s booklet
– Leaflet “Eco-guidance for the summer visitor
– riddle game
– Leaflet Oualidia Information Centre
– Discovering the wetlands of the Sidi Moussa lagoon complex Oualidia
– Ecogesture quiz
– Animation guide
Two interns have been recruited for 2 months in the summer of 2021: Iman BAFAS and Zineb EL MONTASSIR. After an initial training period on wetlands, they implemented the animation programme at the beach of Oualidia in order to transmit to the holidaymakers notions and information on wetlands, their importance and ecosystem services as well as birds and their 12 migration, and to initiate them to bird watching in the salt flats and the lagoon of Oualidia During the period of the course, 311 groups of summer visitors, i.e. 1304 individuals in total, were approached. In addition, the visitor centre was equipped with ornithological guides, books on birds for children, optical equipment and a touch screen.

Furthermore, the first approved SPANA micro-project (Development and conservation of the Douiret Sbâa sacred spring) is 90% complete. The two reports of the hydrobiological and ichthyological experts, which helped to formulate the problem and the solutions to be implemented locally,. All that remains to be done is to install the information panel, the design of which is underway.

The sacred spring after its development
A second SPANA micro-project, relating to education and public awareness of the protection of the Sidi Boughaba Ramsar site, began on 29 October 2021 with an internal training of the future animators of the environmental education centre (APPENDIX 1.20) and the installation 16 of refurbished interpretation panels (below).