A new toolkit for National Wetlands Inventories has been published by Ramsar Convention, Category Inventories – Inventaires.
Monitoring the extent and health of wetlands and their status overtime is critical to inform the needed actions by governments and other actors at all levels. Signatories to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands recognise the fundamental importance of wetlands to human wellbeing, sustainable development and climate mitigation and adaptation. As such, Contracting Parties (CPs) are committed to carrying out National Wetland Inventory (NWI).
This toolkit supports CPs in undertaking, completing or updating a NWI. Its purpose is to provide guidance, recommendations and examples to solve the challenges faced by CPs in completing an NWI. Most CPs indicate that the major constraint to undertaking, completing or updating an NWI is related to limited financial and/or technical resources. Consequently, this toolkit addresses these concerns, as well as other important issues such as linking NWIs to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. It also sets out the main steps and activities in carrying out an NWI, provides references for specific technical approaches and suggestions on how to utilise and communicate the outputs of an NWI.
This toolkit may be used by a variety of stakeholders involved in the development and execution of an NWI. The Convention on Wetlands has issued guidance on the formal representation of the Convention in each country, including Administrative Authorities and National Wetlands Committees. Additionally, the Administrative Authorities may assign National Focal Points mandated to work with the Ramsar Secretariat to implement the Convention on Wetlands.
Download the toolkit below.