The future for Mediterranean wetlands: 50 key issues and 50 important conservation research questions (Unica-CCB, PIM & al.) In order to raise awareness of future challenges and opportunities for Mediterranean wetlands, and to inform proactive research and management, we identified (a) 50 key issues that might affect Mediterranean wetlands between 2020 and 2050, and (b) 50 important research questions that, if answered, would have the greatest impact on the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands between 2020 and 2050.
DOI : 10.1007/s10113-020-01743-1
Within the framework of MedIsWet project, funded by MAVA Foundation, PIM Initiative has called upon the services of a legal expert on islands to produce a study of the legal framework for the protection of wetlands in France and Italy.
These studies enabled the drafting of action guides for the conservation of island wetlands. 3 specific guides for the French, Italian and international legal framework were thus produced. Different advocacy actions have been classified according to their priority, and these guides propose to analyze the difficulties encountered for the conservation of island wetlands, and provide a strategic response and proposals for concrete actions to be developed.
The objective of these guides is to highlight actions that have a strong impact and are easy to implement.
These guides are addressed to all associations and NGOs working for the preservation of island wetlands. They give answers to the difficulties you are likely to face, by analyzing the strategies and concrete actions to be implemented to achieve your objectives.
These guidelines has been specially developed to help you strengthen the implementation of Resolution XII.14 of the Ramsar Convention: the conservation of island wetlands.
- France : Stratégie Plaidoyer ZH France – PIM Initiative (initiative–org)
- Italiy : Advocacy Strategy Wetlands – Italy – PIM Initiative (initiative–org)
- International : Advocacy Strategy Island Wetlands – International – PIM Initiative (initiativeorg)

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