3 August 2021 - 9 August 2021
00:00 - 00:00

Since the ratification of the Ramsar Convention in 1984, Algeria has designated 50 sites, has validated a national inter-sectoral “wetlands” committee, has adopted a national strategy for wetlands in 2016 and has recently proposed the creation of a National Wetlands Observatory. However, achieving the latter objective is a difficult challenge, given the vastness of the national territory and the lack of skills and experience in this field. To this end, the aim of this micro-project is to create a first regional observatory dedicated to the wetland complex of the Sebkhates des Aurès, which represents the most important complex (12 Ramsar sites) among the 16 complexes identified in the national strategy. The setting up of this regional observatory with the definition of its structure, organization, objectives, principles and functioning will constitute an excellent model to be reproduced for the 16 other complexes in the country and, on a larger scale, the creation of a National Observatory.

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