Call to Action: Urdaibai Red Alert

Picture of Urdaibai coastal wetland

Call to Action: Urdaibai Red Alert

Have you heard about Urdaibai ?

Urdaibai is a coastal wetland complex near the mouth and lower reaches of the Oka river, located in the Basque Country of Spain, a crucial area for biodiversity. This amazing delta is internationally recognized by its multiple designations : UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Natura 2000 site, Ramsar site, Important Bird Area, Key biodiversity Area. It supports a wide array of flora and fauna, making it a vital habitat for numerous species, especially waterbirds that use the site for nesting, staging or wintering. Significantly, it is the second most important staging area in Spain for the Dutch breeding population of Spoonbill  (Platalea leucorodia).


The future of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve is in danger. Despite the fact that its tourist capacity is already exceeded and its legal framework prevents it, the public authorities are pushing for the expansion of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao with two new sites in the heart of the estuary. One in Guernika at the Fábrica de Dalia (an old cutlery factory) and another in Murueta at las Astilleros de Murueta (a shipyard), both connected by a “green path“.

The expansion of this contemporary art museum not only contributes to urbanization in a protected estuary threatening biodiversity, but would also have significant social impacts. In the context of climate change, the area is already overwhelmed by summer tourism and strained water resources. With a goal of attracting 140,000 visitors in four months, this project will reinforce mass tourism endangering this fragile environment.

In addition, the local population has strongly opposed the project through the Guggenheim Stop Platform, highlighting the lack of transparency surrounding the project.

Picture of Urdaibai coastal wetland with text to sign the petition

Call to action: Sign the petition !

To prevent this ecological disaster, we need to take action now. By signing the petition to demand the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation to renounce the destruction of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve, you can help protect this natural treasure. Your support is crucial in urging authorities to reconsider the project and prioritize environmental conservation!

Sign the Petition

Together, we can ensure that Urdaibai remains a sanctuary for wildlife and a testament to natural beauty for generations to come. Stay tuned for the next red alert actions!

The petition is hosted by the Guggenheim Stop Platform and SEO/Birdlife

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